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So I have 9% left on the iPad..thought I'd write for a bit.

Been so busy lately, my aunt broke(more like crushed) her hand and so she cant use it annnnd she is having to move, so I am helping her get that all settled. I've rebidden my nails like a dumb ass in all the stress, pisses me off cause I worked real hard. But I'll get there eventually.

I'm starting to feel really stupid :( because i don't have anything challenging in my life anymore I totally miss school and all the fun stuff that came with it, however college wasn't challenging to me.

Ooh my mom got her teeth pulled for her dentures on monday, it's going good, but it looks really gross right now, mainly cause the little bones keep coming out belch...I really wish I wrote more, maybe I should start? I think I will do that haha

Go to Cali latkes this month, gunn a stay for about a month and a half :) sooo excited I miss him and everything there. But ok fix in to die on Me.

Until next time i guess