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The Weight of Society

Ever since I was a little kid I have been told, “You need to lose a little weight…Thin is in.” Society has it drilled in into people’s mind that everyone should strive to be “thin”. Making you believe that if you become “thin” you will, in return, become healthier, prettier, happier and more liked. I disagree with this, and believe it to be wrong.
Contrary to what most people believe, being healthy does not mean you have to be “thin”. Being healthy means taking care of your body, for your body type. Not all “thin” people are healthy. Some of them got that way because they went on crazy diets and took medication to help make them thinner. The diets and medications were unhealthy for the people’s bodies, which made them become sickly in appearance. Even though they may have become thin, they look sickly, which is not very attractive at all.
On that note; I refuse to believe that anyone should have to lose weight to become prettier. I believe that you should have high self esteem, no matter how you look. Sure, you might want to change a few things, but you should only do it because it is what you want to do. Not because society thinks you should. Self-esteem can make you the prettiest person in the world. Along with self-esteem comes confidence, and confidence has many friends.
Your appearance has nothing to do with who your friends are, or how many of them you have. Being “thin” does not guarantee that you will be well liked nor does it promise many friends. Your personality controls your likeability. Your friends, if they are true friends, will like you no matter what your appearance. They will like you for who you are, no matter how you look. I believe that the more friends you have, the happier a person you are.
Your weight does not control your happiness. The people around you and the spirit within you do. Just because you are “thin” it does not guarantee that you are going to be happy. Happiness should not control your weight either. Happiness should be about how you feel within yourself, not how you look. It has nothing to do with how you look …it is how you feel.
By medical calculations, I am overweight for my age and height. I have been told by doctors that being overweight can lead to medical problems. However, I have also been told that, even though I am considered overweight, I have none of these medical problems and I am a very healthy teenager. I have been offered to model more than once, I am very happy, and I have many friends that like me because of who I am, not what I look like. So why would I need to lose weight? Only for society to be happier with my appearance.


Fuzzy Necromancer said...

Here here!


Health at any size!