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My dream that scared me

It starts out me my brother and my grandma are on a up in the sky. there is snow on the cliffs to make getting acrossed them difficult, but its not cold. My brother is ahead of my mom and my behind me. well my brother finally makes it off of this cliff and into the next room(this is when he is really small and was still skinny)
and as i am climbing im about 14 in it and i drop the keys to the house. my mom tells me to keep on going and she will get i do..but on the way there i slip and almost fall(once you fall you are dead...don't know why i knew that just did) well since i am down by the ledge the keys fell too i tell my mom i will get i do. and as i am she passes me by into the next room. next i am just in the next room. the next room you are on the clouds, there is a chouch a chair, a bookshelf and a t.v. but in the middle of the room is a hole. I watch as my brother climbs on the couch, jumps to the chair and lands in the next doorframe...i watch my mom do the not having paid attention before just figure ill walk through the middle of the room..i can see the wood floor through the clouds..but as i start walking i notice the floor is just an illusion..they dissappear creating a big hole that you cannot walk over. so i follow what my mom and brother di and go from couch to chair to door. the furniture was lined up kind oof as a bridge. now we walk into the next room and this lady tells us that we have completed the ritual and that my papa george can come back to life..all we have to do is eat one grain of salt. so we each eat one grain of salt, but for some reason, my mom eats more than one piece..and i get mad and yell at her saying that now it won't work, she at more than one grain of salt. but then through the door my papa walks and he is young enough that i will be an adult before he dies this time. and he tells us all lets go its time to we are following him. and i notice i have a nose bleed so he gives me a hankercheif and tells me that it will be alright, then i notice that my mom isnt with me, so i take off running to find her..all along my papa is shouting to come back to him, its too dangerous. so i go to the room we ate the salt in and notie nobody is there, the lady that congratualted us was gone. then i notice off to the side there is a door and that water is running, I open the door(blood runnin out of my nose) and there is a young lady with black hair..and I say let my mom go..we came here to get papa let her go..she turns and looks at me and i think to myself.....then for some reason i look in the mirror and look and notice the reflection of the mirror shows the lady with black hair being my mom....and i just started to cry in the dream as the lady gave an evil smirk and started to i slid down against the bathroom door crying....and then i just woke up.